Blue goals

In my last message I mentioned the blue goals in Hamburg. Now I have finally been able to get a photo. Can you see the header????
It is very fascanating because it is a big piece of art. Now with the start of the world cup green lasers are fireing into those goals so simulate a soccer ball.

In the beginning nobody really new what those glowing goals were about. I mean we were close before the world cup so must people assumed it had something to do with it.

Now hamburg is enjoying a nice show every night. And I am safing a lot of money because one of those goals shines directly into my sleeping room. So everything glows in a nice blue colour and I don't have to use the ceiling light ever again... ;-)
madrugada (guest) - 16. Jun, 07:56


the goals seem to be very big? Are they?
I like that pic. From where was it made?

Kai (guest) - 28. Jun, 13:54

as far as I know the goals are in real size... Not too sure though!

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