...still on the Mine

I should have got used to it...but somehow I still can't adapt to the inefficiency in these places! We are here to fix our optical sorters- what we did - 3 days ago!!! The customer wants us to do efficiency tests to proof that the units are recovering the diamonds. Well, obviously we can't do that our selfes because of security issues. So now we are waiting for 3 days to be able to test our units.
It is one guy who is responsible for that and must organise everything... wow, but it simply doesn't happen... He is so important that he has to do soooo many things every day that he cannot find time for our things. He is even so busy that one day he could not come to work before 10 o'clock... It is so nice to sit in the desert and waist your time...
madrugada (guest) - 15. May, 13:56

Sounds not very nice.
I hate feeling powerless against such persons or agencies.
Look, for example the german employment centre :o) You are sitting and waisting your time and they send you from one office to the next, everybody is important there but nobody feels responsible. So you can be much happier, you have just 1 person which is bothering you with his laziness.

KaiBar - 29. May, 16:16

you are absolutely right... But even a single important (and lazy) person can ruin your day. But I survived...and I am back in zivilisation... yeah!

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