A class of its own...

My company was so kind to upgrade me to business class on my flight to SA. What a dream. To others it might be a normal thing but for me it was like literally being in heaven. It was so nice to be served with nice food and wonderful south african wine. But the best of all was the seat and the possibility of lying almost flat. It was the first time that I slept for 7 hours...

And now I am once again in Cape Town. So the above picture is valid again! :-)
Basssebe - 11. Dec, 19:16

The last ...

and only one I flew on Business I was something around 15 years old and the stewardess guided us to the left side after entering the plane. It was from Frankfurt to Toronto and it was one of my nicest flights ever. So I can understand you quite good... enjoy your stay.

xseiram - 14. Dec, 13:18

7 h sleep

that sounds wonderful to me for being on a plane. I only once had the chance to travel business class and that was only from london to hanover.

Kai, please check your e-mails, when you get a chance to do so, for you got an invitation!!!

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