Tuesday, 22. November 2005

Weather modul

By the way, especially for the people in Germany: Have you checked the weather modul at the bottom of my side? This morning I saw -1 for Hamburg...well, we have 35 :-)

Still in South Africa

Hello everyone,
Sorry for my very poor performance! I am tired of all my internet probs. Now it is the connection I am strugling with. I will try to get my self a 3G/UMTS card soon so that I will have excess where ever I am! But at the moment I am stuck.
Quick update:
I was on a 2 week holiday tour to Cape Town and Langebaan. I drove more than 4000km but now I am back in Lime Acres (Finsch). We are sorting out a few problems with our diamond sorter.
So far I am booked for next Sunday's flight home to Germany. Let's see if it will work out...


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Side Up-date

At the bottom of the side bar you will now find a modul with the weather of the spot where I am at the moment.



Recent Updates

I had tooooooo many problems here. Will see if it gets...
KaiBar - 20. Oct, 15:46
Ihave moved...
My new blogg will start soon here: http://kaischi.blo gspot.com/ Let's...
KaiBar - 20. Oct, 15:43
Heyyyyyy Update your blog ! =) You seem to have lots...
Roxy (guest) - 12. Oct, 20:33
Hi Kai ! I was searching for Hamburg websites and...
Roxy (guest) - 23. Aug, 02:38
Ma home Hamburg!
404 - 28. Jun, 14:17


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Last update: 20. Oct, 15:46


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